소식 Disney Dreamlight Valley: Where To Find Green Fly Trap

Disney Dreamlight Valley: Where To Find Green Fly Trap

작가 : Victoria Jan 22,2025

Disney Dreamlight Valley: Where To Find Green Fly Trap

Disney Dreamlight Valley's A Rift in Time expansion added a host of new forageable flowers, including the elusive Green Fly Trap. This vibrant, spiky plant, also found in a purple variant, boasts a low spawn rate, making it a challenge to locate. This guide helps you find and utilize these unique flora.

Finding Green Fly Traps in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Green Fly Traps are found within the Wild Tangle biome's Grasslands and Promenade areas. However, only a maximum of two typically appear at once, and their green hue can blend seamlessly with the surrounding vegetation. They can spawn almost anywhere in these locations, both high and low, requiring a thorough search.

Respawn time is roughly 60 minutes, but the presence of Purple Fly Traps in the same areas can extend your search. It's best to collect all Fly Traps and return after an hour or so to allow for respawning.

Utilizing Green Fly Traps

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, Green Fly Traps are crucial for several quests and crafting recipes:

  • Mickey's Flower Power: This quest requires six Green Fly Traps.
  • The Wild Tangle's Swarm (Gaston Friendship Quest): This quest, unlocked after completing "The Wanderer of the Dunes," requires four Green Fly Traps, along with Purple Fly Traps and other items to create a Carnivorous Floral Arrangement.
  • Crafting Recipes: Green Fly Traps are used to craft the Green Cobra Statue, Green Leafy Trellis, and Potted Lily Pad Bush.
  • Selling: Each Green Fly Trap sells for 73 Gold Star Coins at Goofy's Stall.

Keep an eye out for these tricky-to-find flowers – they're valuable assets in your Dreamlight Valley journey!

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