계략 퍼즐 Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny
Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny

Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny 비율 : 4.2

  • 범주 : 퍼즐
  • 버전 : 1.0.35
  • 크기 : 33.87M
  • 개발자 : Tapps Games
  • 업데이트 : Jan 20,2025
애플리케이션 설명

Dive into the enchanting world of rabbit evolution with Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny from Tapps Games! This addictive game lets you create new rabbit mutations by dragging and dropping similar bunnies, filling your Pantheon with adorable, fluffy, and sometimes slightly spooky creatures. Keep an eye out for imposters trying to hijack the spotlight as you collect coins from rabbit eggs and discover new species. With its charming doodle-like illustrations and a captivating storyline, the game uniquely blends evolution mechanics with clicker gameplay. Join the bunny fun and see how many different rabbits you can create in this free-to-play adventure!

Key Features of Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny:

  • The Pantheon: Create a home for your supreme rabbit beings, but watch out for imposters trying to steal the show!
  • Gameplay: Drag and drop similar rabbits to create mysterious new creatures. Use rabbit eggs to earn coins, buy new bunnies, and boost your earnings. Alternatively, furiously tap rabbits to make coins pop from their eggs.
  • Highlights: Unlock diverse stages and discover a wide array of rabbit species, all while unraveling a mind-bending story full of unexpected twists. The game cleverly combines creature evolution and incremental clicker game elements, featuring delightful doodle-like art and multiple potential endings.

Tips & Tricks:

  • Experiment with different rabbit combinations to discover unique and rare creatures.
  • Remember to tap rabbits vigorously to maximize your coin collection and game progress.
  • Stay vigilant and prevent imposters from disrupting your rabbit mutations.


Embark on a fluffy and exciting adventure in the rabbit kingdom with Tapps Games' Evolution! Uncover new species, craft unique creatures, and experience a storyline brimming with surprises and unexpected turns. Download Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny today and showcase your evolutionary skills in the bunny realm!

Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny 스크린샷 0
Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny 스크린샷 1
Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny 스크린샷 2
Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny 스크린샷 3
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