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Genshin Impact:征服光榮獎勵的風暴激增事件

作者 : Lucas Feb 21,2025

深入參與Genshin Impact的鍛煉風暴事件的戰略深度,這是版本5.2第二階段的關鍵部分!雖然最初顯得複雜,但這一戰術RPG風格的活動令人驚訝地簡單,並提供了大量的原則和其他有價值的獎勵。讓我們探索如何參與並最大化您的收益。



  • 冒險等級20或更高。
  • 完成Mondstadt Archon Quest Prologue。


Screenshot of the Exercise Surging Storm starting desk




Exercise Surging Storm preparation screen



  • 近戰:高傷害吸收,運動緩慢。
  • 範圍:遠程攻擊,健康狀況不佳。 -AOE DMG:損壞單位組。
  • 飛行:逃避地麵攻擊,不受某些損害類型的影響。

Exercise Surging Storm fight screen





**Requirement****Medal Rewards**
Total Wargame Medals Obtained: 40040x Primogem 2x Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator 20,000x Mora
Total Wargame Medals Obtained: 80040x Primogem 2x Debris of Decarabian’s City 20,000x Mora
Total Wargame Medals Obtained: 120040x Primogem 2x Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth 20,000x Mora
Total Wargame Medals Obtained: 160040x Primogem 2x Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator 20,000x Mora
Total Wargame Medals Obtained: 200040x Primogem 2x Debris of Decarabian’s City 20,000x Mora
Total Wargame Medals Obtained: 240040x Primogem 2x Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth 20,000x Mora
Total Wargame Medals Obtained: 280040x Primogem 2x Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator 20,000x Mora
Total Wargame Medals Obtained: 320040x Primogem 2x Debris of Decarabian’s City 20,000x Mora
Total Wargame Medals Obtained: 360040x Primogem 2x Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth 20,000x Mora
Total Wargame Medals Obtained: 400040x Primogem 2x Hero’s Wit 20,000x Mora
**Requirement****Challenge Rewards**
Claim victory in at least 3 rounds in a single wargame20x Primogem 2x Guide to Freedom 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
Claim victory in at least 5 rounds in a single wargame2x Hero’s Wit 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
Claim victory in at least 7 rounds in a single wargame2x Sanctifying Unction 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
Gain 3 total Rank 2 Combat Units through upgrading2x Guide to Resistance 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
Gain 6 total Rank 2 Combat Units through upgrading2x Hero’s Wit 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
Gain 12 total Rank 2 Combat Units through upgrading2x Sanctifying Unction 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
Gain 1 total Rank 3 Combat Units through upgrading2x Hero’s Wit 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
Gain 3 total Rank 3 Combat Units through upgrading2x Sanctifying Unction 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
Draw a total of 3 Elite-class or higher Combat Units2x Guide to Ballad 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
Draw a total of 6 Elite-class or higher Combat Units2x Hero’s Wit 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
Draw a total of 12 Elite-class or higher Combat Units2x Sanctifying Unction


繪製總共1個Apex級戰鬥單位 2x英雄的機智
3x神秘增強礦石 <> <>繪製2個Apex級戰鬥單位 2x英雄的機智
3x神秘增強礦石繪製總共4個Apex級戰鬥單位 2x SALCTIFY UNICTION
3x神秘增強礦石>不要錯過!練習式風暴事件從12月18日至12月30日(3:59服務器時間)在Genshin Impact 5.2版中進行。在活動結束之前,請要求您的獎勵!

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