首頁 新聞 解開謎:王國來的謎語大麥


作者 : Daniel Feb 26,2025


遇到吸引人的NPC是 王國Come:Deliverance 2 的旅程的標誌。與他們互動通常證明是有意義的。本指南為Riddler大麥的所有謎語提供了解決方案。



  • 王國的所有謎語大麥答案
  • 如何找到Riddler大麥

所有Riddler Barley Answers in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Riddler Barley是一個漫遊的NPC,可以在整個 王國來:Deliverance 2 的開放世界中找到。每次相遇都會出現一個謎。正確的答案產生了濃烈的或技能經驗。有些謎語具有挑戰性,所以這裏是所有解決方案:

What belongs to you alone, but is used more often by others?My name.
Once upon a time, a foolish farmer, lacking family and stable hands, conversed with his animals. Sharing his earnings, each hen received five groschen, each bee fifteen, and the spider twenty. How much did the cat receive?10 groschen.
Jaromir, a coachman from Raborsch, traveled to Kuttenberg. Three lads boarded in Bohunowitz. In Bojischt, one lad exited, replaced by a washerwoman. In Horschan, the washerwoman departed, replaced by a pedlar and his daughter. In Pschitoky, the lads and the pedlar's daughter left, replaced by two fishermen. That evening, they celebrated in a bathhouse. What was the coachman's name?Jaromir.
A bailiff enlisted twelve men. Six wore body armor, four wore helmets, and three wore both. How many men lacked both armor and a helmet?Five.



Riddler Barley的外表是隨機且無法預測的。在定居點​​之間的快速旅行或探索開放世界時,他可能會遇到他。尋找尋求互動的NPC;發起對話開始謎語交流。

這涵蓋了 王國的所有謎語大麥的謎語:Deliverance 2 。請谘詢逃離師以獲取更多的遊戲技巧和信息,包括凱瑟琳(Katherine)等浪漫選擇。

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