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解决Infinity Nikki的Kindle任务:查找位置和答案

作者 : Aiden Jan 28,2025

解决Infinity Nikki的Kindle任务:查找位置和答案


中所有点燃灵感任务的指南 的许多侧面任务丰富了米拉拉兰的体验。本指南重点介绍了10个点燃的灵感任务,详细介绍了他们的位置,完成要求和奖励。 虽然看似简单,但购买必要的服装可能具有挑战性。


Quest NameLocationCompletion RequirementRewards
Yesterday's EchoFlorawish: Speak to Alber near the Mayor's Residence (daytime).Wear the Paper Crane's Flight dress (obtained from Kilo the Cadenceborn).20 Diamonds, Nostalgic Blossom Sketch
Floral PromenadeFlorawish: Speak to Narci north of the Mayor's Residence.Wear the Floral Stroll Shoes (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds, Breeze-Kissed Blooms Sketch
Perfect DisguiseFlorawish: Speak to Rosy on the road to the Dream Warehouse.Wear the Wishful Pact Skirt (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds, Starlit Night Sketch
Nature's BlueprintHeartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow: Speak to Velly near a lake cabin.Wear the Woolfruit Growth outerwear (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds, Hundred Daisies Sketch
Lively SkillHeartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow: Speak to Peysi in the stands behind the Meadow Activity Center.Wear the Swift Leap Shorts (obtained from a chest in Old Florawish Memorial).20 Diamonds, Gentle Sunshine Sketch
Warm EmbraceHeartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow: Speak to Vendita outside a house at the Border Outpost.Wear the Midnight Moon gloves (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds, Crimson Snowstorm Sketch
Animal TracksHeartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow: Speak to Auri near the fences north of the Stoneville Entrance fast travel point.Wear the Mark of Life top (obtained from a chest south of the Relic Hill fast travel point).20 Diamonds, Peace with Birds Sketch
MetamorphosisStoneville: Speak to Rosalie near the purple fabrics in the dyeing district.Wear the Rippling Waves hair (crafted after completing Rippling Serenity).20 Diamonds, Quick Ponytail Sketch
Goodnight MessageStoneville: Speak to Fabrizio south of the Lavenfringe Fields fast travel point.Wear any three pieces of Home clothing (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds, Heavy Eyelids Sketch
Fortunate CharmHeartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow: Speak to Mysti on the deck northeast of the Cicia Art Academy Field Base fast travel point.Wear the Little Luck socks (crafted after completing Afternoon Shine).20 Diamonds, Lucky Knot Sketch

该综合指南可确保您可以在中完成所有点燃的灵感任务。 有关更多游戏提示,包括代码和GACHA系统信息,请查看Escapist。

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