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Octonauts and the Giant Squid

Octonauts and the Giant Squid 评分 : 4.2


Join the Octonauts on a thrilling underwater quest to find the Giant Squid! Help Professor Inkling, Captain Barnacles, and Kwazi navigate the ocean depths to locate Irving and solve the mystery behind his unexpected attack. This app, designed for children aged 3-8, features 15 engaging games and challenges, including puzzle-solving, maze navigation, and even fish cookie baking!

Octonauts and the Giant Squid Game Screenshot (Replace https://imgs.dgmma.complaceholder_image.jpg with the actual image URL)

Children earn stickers for completing tasks, filling their Octonauts album with gold, silver, and bronze awards. Explore the ocean's wonders and uncover the secrets of Octonauts and the Giant Squid.

Key Features:

  • Interactive and Educational: Fun and educational games teach children aged 3-8 about sea creatures and problem-solving. Each activity includes clear explanations and visual aids.
  • Reward System: A sticker reward system motivates children to complete tasks and fill their Octonauts album.
  • Multilingual Support: Available in 9 languages (including English, Korean, Spanish, French, and Portuguese), making it accessible to a global audience.
  • Parental Controls: Parents can monitor their child's progress and activity within the app.
  • Diverse Activities: A wide range of games, from puzzles and mazes to cooking and counting, keeps children engaged while learning.
  • Engaging Storyline: Follow the Octonauts' exciting adventure to find the Giant Squid and unravel the mystery of its attack.

Tips for Playing:

  • Follow the instructions carefully in each game.
  • Explore different activities to develop various skills.
  • Collect stickers to unlock rewards and complete the Octonauts album.
  • Use the parental control features to ensure safe and enjoyable app use.


Octonauts and the Giant Squid is a captivating and educational app offering a diverse range of activities to engage and entertain children while fostering learning. Its interactive games, reward system, multilingual support, and parental controls create a safe and fun learning experience. Download the app today and join the Octonauts on their underwater adventure!

Octonauts and the Giant Squid应用截图第0张
Octonauts and the Giant Squid应用截图第1张
Octonauts and the Giant Squid应用截图第2张
Octonauts and the Giant Squid应用截图第3张
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