In "In Service of Retia" (ISOR), players embody Ryu, a bartender thrust from an ordinary life with his sister and mother into a fantastical realm of magic and conflict. A bizarre dream transports him to this new world, forcing him to navigate the complexities of two vastly different lives. His mission: assist a powerful goddess in her quest for restoration. This dual-world existence forms the core gameplay. Will Ryu succeed in his challenging task?
ISOR Features:
- A Compelling Narrative: Follow Ryu's transformation from unassuming bartender to unlikely hero, experiencing a captivating adventure that will keep you engaged.
- A Mesmerizing Dreamland: Explore a breathtaking world brimming with magic and wonder, filled with stunning landscapes and fascinating creatures.
- Parallel Lives: Master the delicate balance between Ryu's mundane bartender job and his thrilling fantasy escapades. Can you survive the chaos of two distinct realities?
- Divine Assistance: Team up with a powerful goddess seeking to reclaim her lost strength. Become a vital ally in her quest for restoration.
- Intense Conflict: Engage in exhilarating battles against formidable foes, tackle challenging quests, and solve intricate puzzles.
- Stunning Visuals and Soundtrack: Immerse yourself in a world brought to life by breathtaking graphics and a captivating soundtrack.
Release Notes:
Version 0.7: Bug fixes, improved clarity (thanks to Kurumi!), and the addition of Chapter 5's free-roam content.
Version 0.6: Introduced Chapter 5 content, addressed grammar errors and bugs, enhanced overall quality, upgraded equipment, increased render resolution to 1600x900 (some scenes may not display fully due to original 720p design), and implemented player-controlled sex scenes.
Version 0.5: Changelog unavailable, but included Patreon-requested content and characters.
Version 0.4 (Public Build): Added 432 new renders, corrected typos, adjusted the GUI. See Developer Notes for detailed comparisons between public and Patreon builds.
Installation: Simply extract the files and run the application.
Conclusion: ISOR offers a captivating journey, blending compelling storytelling, stunning visuals, and engaging gameplay. Download ISOR now and embark on Ryu's extraordinary adventure!