Embark on an epic adventure in "Xen-2: Beyond Earth," a captivating pixel art RPG set in a medieval fantasy world. As the sole survivor of an alien invasion, you'll navigate a society populated primarily by women and children, forging relationships with stunning girls both on Earth and in space.
This point-and-click RPG boasts breathtaking pixel art graphics, immersing you in a visually stunning world. Your journey involves unraveling universal secrets, upgrading your cybernetic body parts to enhance your combat abilities and impress the diverse array of female characters, each with unique preferences. Thrilling battles await, where your cyberware upgrades determine your success. Victory can lead to intimate encounters or lucrative negotiations.
Key Features:
- Stunning Pixel Art: Experience a visually rich and unique gaming world.
- Engaging RPG Gameplay: Explore a medieval fantasy setting and participate in compelling role-playing adventures.
- Romantic Relationships: Develop relationships with beautiful girls across multiple locations.
- Character Customization: Upgrade your body parts to enhance battle prowess and appeal to different characters.
- Strategic Combat: Engage in challenging battles, leveraging your cybernetic enhancements. Arouse girls during combat for special rewards.
- Diverse Characters: Meet a rich cast of characters, each with their own compelling story.
"Xen-2: Beyond Earth" offers a captivating blend of romance, strategic combat, and exploration. Download now and begin your extraordinary journey!