Mystery of Provenance is a captivating mobile game transporting players to an alternate Earth, a fantasy world where humans and simics coexist. Simics, nearly identical to humans except for violet eyes and subtly pointed ears, share this planet. The story follows a young man seeking financial success in the city of Dark Dream, a quest unexpectedly intertwined with uncovering his true origins and extraordinary powers. His investigation reveals a rich history of human-simics relations, a complex tapestry of clues and revelations. Prepare for an epic adventure to solve the Mystery of Provenance!
- Alternate Fantasy Setting: Experience a compelling alternate reality on Earth where two distinct races, humans and simics, share a thrilling adventure.
- Compelling Narrative: Follow a young man's journey to Dark Dream, his pursuit of wealth giving way to a quest to discover his parentage and inherent abilities.
- Unique Races: Explore the world of simics, their violet eyes and slightly pointed ears barely distinguishing them from humans, creating a fascinating blend of cultures.
- Engrossing Investigations: Join the protagonist as he unravels secrets and hidden truths about the shared history of humans and simics on Earth.
- Immersive Gameplay: Engage in a thrilling blend of mystery, adventure, and fantasy, where player choices significantly impact the narrative.
- Exceptional Abilities: Uncover the protagonist's extraordinary powers as he confronts his identity and masters his unique gifts in this shared world.
In Conclusion:
Embark on an enthralling journey of mystery and fantasy in MYSTERY OF PROVENANCE. In the city of Dark Dream, join the young protagonist as he unravels the secrets of his heritage and extraordinary abilities. Explore a world where humans and simics coexist, conducting investigations, encountering unique races, and making impactful choices that determine his destiny. Download now and begin your thrilling adventure!