Disney's animated hit "Frozen" has launched an exciting collaboration with Tencent's popular mobile game, Honor of Kings! Elsa and Anna have joined the game's roster, and even the creeps are sporting Olaf costumes for a truly frosty celebration.
The magical world of "Frozen" has brought a winter wonderland to Honor of Kings.
TiMi Studio Group announced exclusive in-game cosmetics as part of this special event. Lady Zhen receives a new skin inspired by Elsa's iconic look, while Anna's charming style graces Si Shi.
The winter theme extends beyond the characters, transforming creeps into adorable Olaf snowmen, adding stunning visual effects, and revamping the game's interface and lobby with an icy aesthetic.
Players can acquire these delightful skins through various methods. Lady Zhen's Elsa-inspired skin is available via gacha, while Xi Shi's Anna-inspired skin is a reward for completing in-game quests. Daily logins will also grant players a special Cold Heart-themed avatar frame.
This enchanting "Frozen" collaboration and its associated events will continue until February 2, 2025.