The second part of Pokémon TCG Pocket's latest Wonder Pick event is here! Running until February 21st, this event introduces a new batch of Chimchar-themed accessories and a fresh Poké Ball avatar icon. Complete the accompanying missions to collect these new goodies.
This Wonder Pick event is a Chimchar fan's dream. New items include a Chimchar coin, card sleeve, and playmat showcasing its evolutions, Monferno and Infernape. Even if fiery monkeys aren't your thing, the new Poké Ball avatar icon might appeal. It's a classic, after all, though perhaps a bit understated.
Monkey Business in Pokémon TCG Pocket
The missions are simple: complete six Wonder Picks and collect ten Fire and Psychic-type Pokémon. Each Wonder Pick rewards 100 Trade Tokens, while mission completion earns varying amounts of Event Shop Tickets. Use a Wonder Hourglass to speed things up! Don't worry if you missed the first part – those items, including a Chimchar backdrop, cover, Cave of Crystals backdrop, and promo cards featuring Chimchar and Togepi, are still available until February 21st.
Pokémon TCG Pocket is free-to-play (with in-app purchases) and available on the App Store and Google Play.