Repeat is a captivating nonlinear romance visual novel unfolding in a seemingly ordinary city and school, concealing supernatural forces and enigmatic characters. Unravel their secrets before tragedy strikes! Romance three intriguing characters, each with a complex backstory and hidden mysteries to uncover. Repeat (Visual Novel) offers an immersive experience, boasting over 100 beautifully illustrated scenes, despite being a work in progress. Stay updated on new releases, support the developer on Patreon, and explore the newly opened merchandise store!
Features of the App:
- Nonlinear Romance Visual Novel: Experience a captivating story set in an ordinary city and school, yet teeming with supernatural forces and mysterious individuals.
- Complex & Intriguing Characters: Interact with three dateable characters, each possessing a unique backstory and secrets waiting to be revealed. Delve into their lives and unravel the surrounding mysteries.
- 100+ Illustrated Scenes: Enjoy stunning visuals that bring the story to life, enhancing the emotional impact through beautifully crafted illustrations.
- Regular Updates: Engage with the game as new content is added approximately monthly. Be among the first to experience the latest developments and continue your journey in the world of Repeat.
- Free to Play: Enjoy the entire game at no cost. Support the developer through voluntary donations on their Patreon page.
- Developer's Social Media & Merch Store: Connect with the sole developer of Repeat (Visual Novel) on social media for updates. Explore the recently launched merchandise store (US shipping only) for exclusive items.
Dive into the captivating world of Repeat, a nonlinear romance visual novel brimming with supernatural elements and mysterious characters. Uncover the secrets of three complex and intriguing dateable characters, each with a unique backstory. With over 100 beautifully illustrated scenes, the game provides a visually stunning experience. Enjoy regular updates and be the first to explore new content. Repeat is free to play, but donations on Patreon are welcome. Connect with the developer on social media and check out the merchandise store. Don't miss this captivating visual novel – download now!