pokémonTCG袋 lapras ex drop事件:新卡和奖励指南
PokémonTCGPocket正在通过以令人垂涎的Lapras Ex为特色的新活动来扩展其卡片名册。本指南涵盖了您需要了解的有关最大化奖励的所有信息。>
- PokémonTCGPocket
- 应用程序已更新。> >导航到战斗选项卡,然后选择独奏。
- 选择“ lapras ex drop event”类别。
- 四个AI战斗等待,每次都使用不同的Lapras主题甲板。 每次战斗都获得了首要的奖励,并通过反复的玩法获得额外的机会奖励。
>该事件的难度增加了四场战斗(初学者,中级,高级,专家),每个战斗都有独特的甲板组成和挑战。 奖励包括事件的沙漏(对于初学者和中级)和奇迹沙漏(用于高级和专家),以补充耐力。 有关详细信息,请参见下表:
Level | Cards in Deck | Challenges | Rewards |
Beginner | Pidgey x2, Swanna, Ducklett, Lapras x2, Staryu x2, Goldeen x2, Horsea, Seadra, Krabby, Tentacool, Poliwag, Poliwhirl | Knock Out opponent's Active Pokémon once with a Lightning-type attack; Put 3 Basic Pokémon into play. | First Clear: Pack Hourglass x2, Shinedust x50, Shop Ticket x1, 25 XP; Chance Rewards: Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1, Shinedust x25, Shop Ticket x1 |
Intermediate | Pokedex x2, Professor’s Research x2, Poke Ball x2, Doduo x2, Dodrio, Lapras x2, Staryu x2, Starmie, Goldeen x2, Seaking, Poliwag, Poliwhirl x2 | Knock Out opponent's Active Pokémon twice with a Lightning-type attack; Put 1 Stage 1 Pokémon into play; Win by turn 14. | First Clear: Pack Hourglass x4, Shinedust x100, Shop Ticket x1, 50 XP; Chance Rewards: Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1, Shinedust x25, Shop Ticket x1 |
Advanced | Professor’s Research x2, Poke Ball x2, Potion, Lapras EX, Doduo x2, Dodrio x2, Lapras x2, Staryu x2, Starmie x2, Goldeen x2, Seaking x2 | Win 5+ battles; Win using a deck of 1-3 diamond rarity Pokémon; Win by turn 14; Win without opponent scoring points. | First Clear: Pack Hourglass x6, Shinedust x150, Shop Ticket x1, 75 XP; Chance Rewards: Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1, Shinedust x25, Shop Ticket x1 |
Expert | Professor’s Research x2, Poke Ball x2, X Speed x2, Potion x2, Sabrina, Misty, Lapras EX x2, Staryu x2, Starmie EX x2, Psyduck x2, Golduck x2 | Win using a deck of 1-3 diamond rarity Pokémon; Win by turn 12; Win without opponent scoring points; Win 10+ battles; Win 20+ battles. | First Clear: Pack Hourglass x8, Shinedust x200, Shop Ticket x1, 100 XP; Chance Rewards: Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1, Shinedust x25, Shop Ticket x1 |
活动体力,每场战斗消耗,每 12 小时补充一次(最多 5 小时)。 获得的活动沙漏可立即补充体力。
强烈推荐使用皮卡丘 EX 牌组,因为闪电型攻击会对水型神奇宝贝造成额外伤害。考虑使用不太稀有的卡牌,如 Helioptile/Heliolisk 或 Magemite/Magneton 来满足特定的挑战要求。
促销包各包含一张卡片:Mankey、Pikachu、Clefairy、Butterfree 和 Lapras EX(新变体)。 Lapras EX 拥有 140 HP 和 Bubble Drain 攻击(80 点伤害,20 HP 治疗)。只有专家战斗才能保证获得促销包。