Attack on Survey Corps is a captivating visual novel inspired by the beloved anime/manga, Attack on Titan. Follow the protagonist and their sister as they flee their home after a devastating Titan attack, joining the Cadet Corps on a quest for revenge. This erotic visual novel offers a unique twist on the familiar story, introducing thrilling alterations and exciting developments. We're actively working to incorporate events and characters from later anime seasons – stay tuned for updates! Your support helps bring our vision to life!
This app, Attack on Survey Corps, a visual novel inspired by Attack on Titan, boasts six key features:
- Unique Storyline: Experience the Attack on Titan universe from a fresh perspective, offering a novel and intriguing take on the familiar narrative for franchise fans.
- Multiple Endings: Branching storylines and multiple endings based on player choices ensure high replayability and encourage exploration of diverse outcomes.
- Interactive Gameplay: Immerse yourself in the narrative through interactive choices that directly impact the story and character relationships.
- Stunning Artwork: High-quality illustrations and character designs capture the essence of the anime/manga's art style, enhancing the visual appeal for Attack on Titan enthusiasts.
- Intriguing Romance: Beyond the action and adventure, a romantic subplot unfolds as the protagonist encounters beautiful female cadets, adding layers of complexity and romance.
- Future Expansion: Planned integration of events and characters from seasons two through four promises ongoing content updates and sustained excitement.
In conclusion, Attack on Survey Corps delivers a visually stunning and immersive experience, offering a unique take on the Attack on Titan franchise. Interactive gameplay, multiple endings, captivating artwork, a romantic subplot, and planned expansions promise to engage fans of the anime/manga for hours of enjoyment. Download now and experience the familiar story in a thrilling new way.