Mega Summoner is a thrilling mobile adventure RPG, bringing together a beloved cast of Japanese comic characters in an all-new story. Relive your childhood memories as you embark on exciting adventures with these iconic manga stars. Master diverse formation tactics and devastating skill combos for unparalleled gameplay. Train your companions, uncover hidden treasures, and challenge friends in classic arcade-style battles. Build the ultimate team, strategically time your skills, and unleash powerful combos to determine the fate of these comic heroes. Join the action-packed multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) and relive your favorite manga moments.
Features of Mega Summoner:
- Adventure with Classic Japanese Comic Stars: Relive your childhood with dozens of classic Japanese comic stars, united in a fantastic new world and storyline.
- Strategic Formation & Skill Combos: Experience thrilling combat with diverse formation tactics and powerful skill combos, creating unique and exciting battles.
- Multiple Game Modes: Engage in Ninja Training, explore the Dragon's Ruins for hidden treasures, or compete with friends in classic arcade challenges. The possibilities are endless.
- Skill & Strategy: Employ strategic thinking to build the optimal team, perfectly time your skills, and discover devastating combo attacks. Your command is key to victory.
- Engaging Story & Competition: Unravel a captivating main storyline, participate in intense competitions, and fight for your guild's honor and glory.
- Collect & Customize Anime Stars: Build your dream team from over 50 anime heroes using the innovative gacha system. Customize your heroes to unleash their full potential.
Mega Summoner is an action-packed RPG MOBA combining classic anime characters, exciting gameplay, and a compelling narrative. With unique formation tactics, powerful skill combos, and diverse game modes, it offers a nostalgic and thrilling experience. Download now to relive your childhood dreams, collect your favorite anime stars, and challenge your friends in epic battles!