Apex Legends faces a serious decline in player numbers, mirroring Overwatch's struggles. The game is grappling with persistent issues impacting player retention. A look at peak concurrent player counts reveals a sustained downward trend, reminiscent of its initial launch period.
Image: steamdb.info
Several factors contribute to Apex Legends' woes. Limited Time Events often lack substantial new content beyond cosmetic skins. Persistent cheating, flawed matchmaking, and a lack of gameplay diversity are driving players to competing titles.
The recent release of Marvel Heroes is further exacerbating the situation, drawing players away, not just from Overwatch, but also from Apex Legends. Fortnite's continued popularity and diverse gameplay options also present stiff competition. Respawn Entertainment faces a significant challenge to revitalize Apex Legends and regain lost players. Their response will be crucial to the game's future.