Hunting AI animals in Ecos La Brea might seem easier than chasing players, but these creatures are surprisingly tricky. Here's how to master the art of AI hunting:
How to Catch AI in Ecos La Brea

The key to successful AI hunting is stealth. Use your nose – press the scent button to reveal nearby animals as icons. Crouching activates a meter showing how close you are to spooking them. This meter fills faster the more you move.
Your movement speed directly impacts the meter. Sprinting fills it instantly, running significantly affects it, trotting fills it slower, and walking fills it the slowest. Approach cautiously, walking as you get closer. Wind direction matters too. Downwind spooks animals faster, crosswind is moderate, but upwind is ideal.
Pay close attention to the AI itself. A question mark occasionally appears above the animal icon. If the question mark is visible, the meter fills faster; stop moving until it disappears.
The meter will likely fill before you reach the AI. Be ready to sprint once it runs. AI movement is erratic, so practice makes perfect. Open fields with minimal obstacles improve your chances of a successful chase.
To capture your prey, get very close to initiate the bite. Once you've secured it, drop and eat. Repeat this cycle until you're satisfied.