- Watch Dogs, Ubisoft's hacker-centric series of third-person shooters, is coming to mobile!
- Well, sort of, a new interactive audio adventure has just debuted on Audible
- You'll decide how the story progresses by making decisions to guide Dedsec's next move
Love it or loathe it, Watch Dogs, Ubisoft's series of hacker-centric third-person shooters is a franchise that's still a cornerstone of their catalogue. And the French gaming giant doesn't seem set to shrink that focus anytime soon, especially not as the series makes its first foray onto mobile!
Wait, what? You can play Watch Dogs on mobile?! Well, not precisely as you might expect, dear reader. Watch Dogs: Truth is not a full-fledged mobile original release in the vein of the mainline entries, but is actually a much older kind of interactive experience, an audio adventure! Available now on Audible, it lets you guide the story by making choices as it progresses.
Yes, it's a format as old as, well, when was the first choose-your-own-adventure book published? (The answer is sometime in the 30s apparently) The story sees hacktivist group Dedsec once more on the out with the authorities and having to combat a new, insidious threat in near-future London, guided by the self-aware AI Bagley who'll help you make decisions after each episode.

Here's something to make you feel, if not old then somewhat surprised, Clash of Clans is roughly the same age as the Watch Dogs franchise (I know!). And yet it's still odd to see the series only now poking its way onto mobile with this strange new release. At the same time, I'm no sceptic towards the concept of audio adventures (my advocacy for Steve Jackson's F.I.S.T. notwithstanding); so I'm excited to see the idea given a bit more legwork with a major franchise like this.
At the same time, it certainly does speak to the oddities of Watch Dogs in its sort of scattershot approach, and the lesser marketing this seems to have received. At the same time, I think we'll all be cautiously keeping a close eye on Watch Dogs: Truth to see just how well it resonates with those of you who give it a go!