Dive into the enchanting world of Shoujo Kaisen GAME, a captivating idle RPG where time and space intertwine with beautiful girls. Forge bonds with the maidens of Tougenkyo, becoming their guiding light and shared destiny. This latest version unveils a stunning new bridal attire, the "Sleeping Cloud," alongside a 7-day login event rewarding you with free UR warlords.
Immerse yourself in the experience with vibrant Live2D animations bringing the girls to life as they navigate their daily routines. Explore the uncharted Higashiyama region, engage in thrilling Space-Time Fierce Battles, and amass over 100 unique treasures to boost your strength and abilities. Begin your adventure today!
Key Features:
- A captivating roster of beautiful girls, each with their own compelling story and unique personality.
- Customize your characters with the elegant "Sleeping Cloud" bridal dress.
- Enjoy the convenience of idle RPG gameplay; grow stronger even while away from the game.
- Claim free UR warlords through the exciting 7-day login event.
- Engage in diverse gameplay: explore uncharted territories, compete in player-vs-player battles, and collect over 100 treasures for powerful buffs.
- Experience the magic of Live2D animations, bringing the characters to life with stunning detail.
Shoujo Kaisen GAME offers a visually stunning and interactive experience perfect for fans of idle RPGs featuring beautiful girls. With extensive customization, rewarding idle gameplay, and diverse content, this game provides countless hours of engaging progression. The addition of Live2D animations elevates the experience, making it even more captivating. Don't miss out on the chance to acquire free UR warlords and daily rewards – download Shoujo Kaisen GAME now!