Unlock the ultimate UNIQLO shopping experience with the UNIQLO MY app! New users receive a RM15 coupon upon registration. Enjoy exclusive member discounts on E-Member Special items by simply scanning your barcode at checkout. Eliminate the guesswork with the in-app stock checker; verify availability at your preferred store before you go. Shop online for exclusive items and extended sizes, catering to everyone. Utilize the convenient Click & Collect option for free in-store pickup.
Key Features of the UNIQLO MY App:
- RM15 Welcome Coupon: New users receive a RM15 coupon upon download and registration.
- Exclusive Member Pricing: Enjoy special discounts on E-Member Special items using your membership barcode.
- Real-time Stock Availability: Easily check stock levels at your chosen store. Barcode scanning also allows for quick stock checks and product reviews.
- Online Exclusives & Extended Sizing: Access a broader selection of products online, including extended sizes (XS-3XL for adults, 100cm-160cm for kids).
- Free In-Store Pickup: Choose Click & Collect for free in-store pickup or opt for home delivery.
In short: The UNIQLO MY app streamlines your shopping journey, offering exclusive deals, convenient stock checks, and flexible delivery options. Download today and experience smarter, more rewarding UNIQLO shopping.