Embark on a whimsical adventure with the Moomins in Sky: Children of the Light! This enchanting collaboration brings the beloved characters to the game, starting October 14th and running until December 29th. Fans of Tove Jansson's books will find familiar heartwarming moments recreated in this magical world.
This season centers on Ninny, the Invisible Child, and her journey to overcome fears and rediscover her confidence. Players will help Ninny restore color to her shadowy world, progressing through weekly chapters of her story. As a butterfly, you guide Ninny, watching the world bloom with vibrant color as you make progress.
Meet beloved Moomins like Moomintroll and Snufkin, and adorn your Sky child with charming Moomin-themed outfits, capes, hairstyles, and musical instruments. Limited-time accessories, such as Moomintroll ears and tail, and Snufkin's attire, are also available.
Take a peek at the season's adventures:
Join the Season of Moomins!
Find the Moomin Storybook near the Vault of Knowledge. New players may need to progress to the Hidden Forest. Download Sky from the Google Play Store and begin your adventure!