Tekken 8 director Katsuhiro Harada's unwavering dedication to the franchise has sometimes clashed with Bandai Namco's internal structure. Known for his rebellious streak with fans, Harada admits his persistent focus on Tekken wasn't always understood, even causing friction with colleagues.
Harada's unconventional approach stems from his youth, where his parents initially opposed his gaming passion. He defied their wishes to pursue a career in the industry, a decision that initially saddened them, despite their eventual acceptance. His rebellious nature continued into his career at Bandai Namco, even after gaining seniority.
Despite a reassignment to global business development, Harada actively participated in Tekken's future, defying the unspoken rule of developers transitioning solely to management. This involved working outside his assigned department and responsibilities.
This rebellious spirit seemingly extended to his entire Tekken team, whom Harada jokingly refers to as "outlaws" within Bandai Namco. Their unwavering commitment, however, has arguably contributed to Tekken's ongoing success.
However, Harada's reign as Tekken's leading rebel may be nearing its end. He's stated that Tekken 9 will be his final project before retirement. The future of the Tekken franchise and whether his successor can match his legacy remains to be seen.