Monolith Soft, renowned creators of the Xenoblade Chronicles series, are actively recruiting for a new, ambitious open-world RPG. This exciting news comes directly from General Director Tetsuya Takahashi, who highlighted the need for a larger, more efficient team to tackle the complexities of this next-generation title.
Takahashi's message emphasizes the evolving landscape of game development and the need for a streamlined production process to meet the challenges of an open-world experience. The intricate connections between characters, quests, and narrative demand a significantly larger team than previous Monolith Soft projects. The recruitment drive encompasses a range of roles, from asset creation to leadership positions, reflecting the scale of this undertaking. While technical skill is crucial, Takahashi stresses the importance of shared passion for creating enjoyable player experiences.
This isn't the studio's first large-scale recruitment effort. In 2017, Monolith Soft sought talent for a different ambitious action game, teased with concept art depicting a knight and a dog in a fantastical setting. However, further updates on that project ceased, leading to speculation. The original recruitment page has since been removed from their website, though this doesn't necessarily confirm cancellation; it might simply indicate a shift in development timeline or priorities.
Given Monolith Soft's history of creating expansive and technically impressive titles like the Xenoblade Chronicles series and their contribution to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, expectations for this new RPG are understandably high. Fan speculation ranges from a massively ambitious title to a potential launch title for a future Nintendo console. While details remain scarce, the sheer scale of the recruitment drive suggests a project of significant scope and ambition.