Stalker 2 Artifact Farming Guide: Finding Specific Artifacts in Anomalous Zones
In Stalker 2, acquiring specific artifacts with desirable stat bonuses is crucial for optimizing your playstyle. However, each artifact is tied to a specific elemental anomaly, making targeted farming essential. This guide simplifies the process by listing artifacts and their corresponding anomalous zone locations.
All Artifacts and Their Locations in Stalker 2
Stalker 2 boasts over 75 artifacts, categorized by rarity (Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary/Mythical). While some are obtained through quests, most require farming specific anomalous zones. The following table details each artifact:
Artifact Rarity | Artifact Name | Effect | Location |
Legendary | Hypercube | Max Thermal, Radiation, & Bleeding Resistance | Thermal Anomalies |
Legendary | Compass | Max Radiation & Physical Protection | Gravitational Anomalies |
Legendary | Liquid Rock | Max Radio & Chemical Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Legendary | Thunderberry | Max Radiation & Endurance | Electro Anomalies |
Legendary | Weird Ball | Reduced bullet damage (especially while stationary) | Bulba Anomaly near Zalissya |
Legendary | Weird Bolt | Reduced anomaly damage (when charged) | Tornado anomaly in Yaniv |
Legendary | Weird Flower | Masks player scent, decreasing detection rate | Poppy Field north of Zalissya |
Legendary | Weird Nut | Heals bleeding over time | Fire Whirl Anomaly in Cooling Towers Region |
Legendary | Weird Pot | Significantly reduces hunger | Mist Anomaly in Burnt Forest Region |
Legendary | Weird Water | Increases weight carry capacity (~40KGs) | Wandering Lights Anomaly in Zaton region |
Common | Bubble | Medium Radio Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Common | Battery | Weak Radiation & Endurance | Electro Anomalies |
Common | Cavity | Weak Radiation, Bleeding Resistance, & Weight Effect | Thermal Anomalies |
Common | Chocolate Bar | Weak Radiation & Electrical Protection | Electro Anomalies |
Common | Crust | Weak Radiation & Chemical Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Common | Crystal | Weak Thermal Protection & Radiation | Thermal Anomalies |
Common | Crystal Thorn | Weak Radio Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Common | Droplets | Weak Thermal Protection & Radiation | Thermal Anomalies |
Common | Eye | Weak Thermal Protection & Radiation | Thermal Anomalies |
Common | Fireball | Weak Thermal Protection & Radiation | Thermal Anomalies |
Common | Flash | Weak Radiation & Electrical Protection | Electro Anomalies |
Common | Gravi | Weak Radiation & Weight Effect | Gravitational Anomalies |
Common | Horn | Weak Radiation & Chemical Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Common | Jellyfish | Weak Radiation & Physical Protection | Gravitational Anomalies |
Common | Lyre | Weak Radiation, Bleeding Resistance, & Weight Effect | Thermal Anomalies |
Common | Meat Chunk | Weak Radiation & Chemical Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Common | Mica | Weak Radio Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Common | Mold | Weak Radiation & Chemical Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Common | Pebble | Weak Radiation, Endurance, & Physical Protection | Gravitational Anomalies |
Common | Rat King | Weak Radiation, Bleeding Resistance, & Electrical Protection | Electro Anomalies |
Common | Rosin | Weak Radiation & Endurance | Gravitational Anomalies |
Common | Sapphire | Weak Radiation, Bleeding Resistance, & Endurance | Electro Anomalies |
Common | Shell | Weak Radiation & Endurance | Electro Anomalies |
Common | Slime | Weak Radiation | Acid Anomalies |
Common | Slug | Weak Radio Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Common | Snowflake | Weak Radiation & Endurance | Electro Anomalies |
Common | Sparkler | Weak Radiation & Electrical Protection | Electro Anomalies |
Common | Spinner | Weak Radiation & Bleeding Resistance | Thermal Anomalies |
Common | Steak | Weak Radiation & Bleeding Resistance | Thermal Anomalies |
Common | Stone Blood | Weak Radiation & Weight Effect | Gravitational Anomalies |
Common | Stone Heart | Weak Radiation & Weight Effect | Gravitational Anomalies |
Common | Thorn | Weak Radio Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Common | Whirlwind | Weak Radiation, Endurance, & Physical Protection | Gravitational Anomalies |
Common | Wrenched | Weak Radiation & Physical Protection | Gravitational Anomalies |
Uncommon | Broken Rock | Strong Radiation & Medium Physical Protection | Gravitational Anomalies |
Uncommon | Ciliate | Medium Radiation & Chemical Protection | Chemical Anomalies |
Uncommon | Dead Sponge | Medium Radiation & Bleeding Resistance | Thermal Anomalies |
Uncommon | Crown | Medium Radiation, Weak Endurance & Physical Protection | Gravitational Anomalies |
Uncommon | Flaw | Medium Radiation, Weak Bleeding Resistance & Weight Effect | Thermal Anomalies |
Uncommon | Flytrap | Medium Radiation & Weight Effect | Gravitational Anomalies |
Uncommon | Goldfish | Weak Radiation & Weight Effect | Gravitational Anomalies |
Uncommon | Harp | Medium Radiation, Weak Bleeding Resistance & Electrical Protection | Electro Anomalies |
Uncommon | Kolobok | Medium Radiation & Chemical Protection | Electro Anomalies |
Uncommon | Lantern | Medium Radiation & Electrical Protection | Electro Anomalies |
Uncommon | Magma | Weak Thermal Protection, Medium Radiation & Weight Effect | Thermal Anomalies |
Uncommon | Mama's Beads | Strong Radiation & Medium Bleeding Resistance | Thermal Anomalies |
Uncommon | Moonlight | Medium Radiation & Electrical Protection | Electro Anomalies |
Uncommon | Plasma | Medium Thermal Protection & Radiation | Thermal Anomalies |
Uncommon | Shop Class | Medium Radiation, Weak Bleeding Resistance & Endurance | Electro Anomalies |
Uncommon | Soul | Medium Radiation & Endurance | Electro Anomalies |
Uncommon | Spring | Medium Radiation & Weight Effect | Gravitational Anomalies |
Uncommon | Tourist's Breakfast | Medium Radiation & Chemical Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Uncommon | Urchin | Medium Radio Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Rare | Crest | Strong Radiation & Endurance | Electro Anomalies |
Rare | Devil's Mushroom | Strong Radiation & Chemical Protection | Acid Anomalies |
Rare | Flower Bud | Strong Radiation, Medium Endurance & Physical Protection | Gravitational Anomalies |
Rare | Glare | Strong Radiation & Electrical Protection | Electro Anomalies |
Rare | Magic Cube | Max Radiation & Strong Physical Protection | Gravitational Anomalies |
Rare | Meat Lighter | Strong Thermal Protection & Radiation | Thermal Anomalies |
Rare | Night Star | Strong Radiation & Weight Effect | Gravitational Anomalies |
Rare | Pellicle | Strong Radiation & Chemical Protection | Chemical Anomalies |
Rare | Petal | Strong Radiation & Bleeding Resistance | Thermal Anomalies |
Rare | Skipjack | Strong Radio Protection | Chemical Anomalies |
Rare | Starfish | Strong Radiation, Medium Bleeding Resistance & Endurance | Electro Anomalies |
Rare | Torch | Medium Thermal Protection, Strong Radiation & Weight Effect | Thermal Anomalies |
To locate a specific artifact, identify its associated anomaly type and farm that zone. Consider using a better artifact detector (like Veles or Bear) to increase spawn rates. Saving before entering an anomaly zone allows for reloading if the desired artifact isn't found.